Present for newly enrolled students
Dear our readers, We are happy to inform a beneficial campaign to you! We will send you nice Japanese books. If you enroll a...

Voice of foreign students: After graduation
I’ve introduced the voices of foreign students. There are also voices about their careers after graduation in the same survey. This time,...

Voice of foreign students: life
Until last time, I’ve introduced the voices of foreign students in the view of study and culture. Then, I will introduce the voices about...

Voice of foreign students: culture
Last time, I introduced the voices of foreign students in Sapporo from the view of studying. Generally speaking, they came to Sapporo to...

Voice of foreign students: study
If you are considering to study in Sapporo, it is a good idea to listen to voices of foreign students who have been studying in Sapporo....

Japanese author 5: Sasaki Jyo
Sasaki Jyo has been writing hard-boiled suspense novels, adventure novels, and police fiction. He was born in 1950 in Yubari, Hokkaido....

Japanese author 4: Kuroki Ryo
Until now, I’ve introduced some national authors. Since now, I want to introduce “Regional authors” which mean authors born in Hokkaido....

Japanese author 3: Asada Jiro
Asada Jiro is the president of The Japan P.E.N Club and has written picaresque novels, period novels, and historical novels. He was born...

Japanese author 2: Fujisawa Shuhei
Fujisawa Syuhei is famous for his period novels. He usually wrote not a hero but nameless ordinary people. He was born in Yamagata...

Japanese author 1: Shiba Ryotaro
It may be a quite effective way of knowing a foreign country to read novels written by its national authors while it is so difficult....