Dance in a Yukata! ~GYOKEI-dori BONODORI~
👘Dance in a Yukata! ~GYOKEI-dori BONODORI~👘 Date&Time:Aug.13 (Sun ) – 15 (Tue) 6:00 p.m.~8:30p.m. (kids dance 6:00p.m.~6:45p.m.) ...

The Summer Festival
The Summer Festival (夏まつり)at the Sapporo International Communication Plaza on this Saturday(15th) 13:00~16:00. Please join us ! #event...

Sapporo International Art Festival
Sapporo International Art festival (SIAF) is held once every three years by the city of Sapporo. Next time, it will be held from 6 August...

Sapporo city jazz
Sapporo city jazz (SCJ) is one of the biggest jazz festivals in Japan. SCJ has been held every summer since 2007. About 400 artists and...

Sapporo international short film festival and market
Sapporo short fest stands for Sapporo international short film festival and market. In September or October, it has been held every year...

Voice of foreign students: culture
Last time, I introduced the voices of foreign students in Sapporo from the view of studying. Generally speaking, they came to Sapporo to...

Japanese author 5: Sasaki Jyo
Sasaki Jyo has been writing hard-boiled suspense novels, adventure novels, and police fiction. He was born in 1950 in Yubari, Hokkaido....

Japanese author 4: Kuroki Ryo
Until now, I’ve introduced some national authors. Since now, I want to introduce “Regional authors” which mean authors born in Hokkaido....

Japanese author 3: Asada Jiro
Asada Jiro is the president of The Japan P.E.N Club and has written picaresque novels, period novels, and historical novels. He was born...

Japanese author 2: Fujisawa Shuhei
Fujisawa Syuhei is famous for his period novels. He usually wrote not a hero but nameless ordinary people. He was born in Yamagata...