Refre Sapporo
Refre Sapporo is a complex facility which includes Sapporo International House. This building is 5-story and has some offices about the...

Sapporo ii-one stadium
Sapporo ii-one stadium is an all-weather indoor sports facility. It was established by local companies in 2011. Basically, it is used for...

Sapporo Olympic
Sapporo Olympic has something to do with 3 numbers of years which are 1940, 1972 and 2026. I will explain the three numbers. Firstly, the...

If you come to Sapporo from a warm country, winter sports may be a good experience. One of them is skating. I went to Tsukisamu Gymnasium...

Asian Winter Games
Asian Winter Games is an international meet held once every 4 years mostly. In the games, the entrants do some winter sports such as...

Sapporo Dome
Sapporo dome is a multipurpose dome which was opened at the site of the public sugar beet experimental firm in 2001. “Multipurpose”...

The championship of Hokkaido Nippon-Ham fighters
Hokkaido Nippon-Ham fighters (Nichihamu) is a professional baseball team which has been based in Sapporo since 2004. On 29th October...

Hokkaido Consadore Sapporo
Hokkaido Consadore Sapporo is a local football club in Sapporo. Two decades have passed since it was established in 1996, but the red...