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How to find part-time jobs in Japan

As it costs much to live and study abroad, many international students work part-time jobs. According to a statics, 70% of international students work for part time jobs in Japan. Of course, the main purpose is to earn money, but precious experiences can also be gained through working in foreign countries.

Well, how can international students find part-time jobs in Japan? There are some ways to find part-time jobs in Japan. Firstly, part-time jobs can be found by job searching websites. These websites are quite useful because you can find your desired jobs easily by telling desired conditions like places and job types. Secondly, if you go to shopping malls or supermarkets, there may be job postings. Especially, large shopping facilities always require part-time employees. It may be a good idea to work at a store which you go frequently as a customer. It means it is easy to commute to it, at least. Thirdly, some magazines for finding part time jobs are in convenience stores. Some free magazines may also have information about part-time jobs.

In conclusion, it is quite easy to find a part-time job in Japan through these channels because part-time workers run short for many businesses, nowadays. However, for keeping on studying in Japan, it is quite important to obey legal rules such as the application for working and limitation of times when you work for part time jobs. Otherwise, your student visa will be withdrawn.

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