The 68th Sapporo snow festival

Sapporo snow festival was started by local junior high school students and high school students in 1950. This year, the 68th Sapporo snow festival is held. Every year, more than 2 million people come to this festival from all over the world. Flying drones are banned in the venues.This event will be held until 12th. I went there yesterday. This year, the temperature is relatively warm compared with other years. Foreign visitors seem to increase more than before. The snow statue of President Trump has a reputation for the similarity. I hope that it wouldn’t be broken by anti-Trump people. Anyway, it was fun to see many snow statues and events. When I was a child, I used to visit this festival. However, as I grow up, I became to visit this festival less than before, somehow. This time, I reminded the reason. The venue is so large that I felt cold during walking there and tired. That’s why there are some warm resting rooms in the venue. I didn’t want to stay with strangers in a small room, so I didn't go into the room. If you are a more extrovert person, I recommend going into the room.