How to find part-time jobs in Japan
As it costs much to live and study abroad, many international students work part-time jobs. According to a statics, 70% of international...

How to type Japanese at a keyboard
As there are thousands of characters including Chinese characters in Japanese writings, it is necessary for typing Japanese at a keyboard...

Japanese useful phrase 2: “Soudesune”
“Soudesune” is quite useful words. Generally, it is translated as “Let me see” in English, but it sounds more polite and sincere. During...

Japanese phrase 1: “Suimasen”
In general, words used for academic are slightly different from these of daily life. Japanese is not its exception. There are some useful...

Updating of the page of SJC
Dear our readers, We are happy to inform the updating of the page introducing SJC, Soken Gakuen Kan-yobi Japanese Language Course. This...

Japanese writings
When I was reading a Japanese book at an airport in overseas, a foreigner asked me what language was written in my book. After I answered...

Japanese dictionary
If you study Japanese or study in Japan, you may have some occasions to use a Japanese dictionary. A Japanese dictionary explains...

OTC drug
If an international student feels sick but it is not serious enough to go to a doctor, one of the solutions is to take an OTC drug. OTC...

National health insurance
We argued about Japanese medical system in the previous article. This medical system is the universal healthcare system based on the...

Medical system in Japan
Although many of international students may be young and healthy, they still should prepare for sickness. It is better to know about...